martes, 26 de abril de 2011

Year 3 and 4: Listening activities

Can I....?

 I like...

                                                                                                                  The time and routines

martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Year 5 and 6 working on their project

We Are We: Guayaba, Eric and Cristhian

Nights: Frits, Aina and Luka

Grease: Ben, Ivan, Lídia and Sara

Los Fumeras: Jordan, Elena and Kevin

Luca in Infant Education and Year 2

On Monday I went to read a story to the infants of the school (the 3, 4 and 5 year olds.) The story was called “Animals at the Zoo”; and I think they really liked it. And then I went to the 2nd year class to read them a different story called “Room on the Broom”, again I think they liked it a lot. At the end of each story I asked them simple questions about each story, like what colours where in the stories (I asked the questions in English).


Year 2

viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

Year 2: Volcanoes

I know that you love volcanoes and you want to learn more about them. Watch this interesting video.

Both creators and destroyers, volcanoes prove that beneath its calm surface, Earth remains a living planet.

Year 1: A wonderful story for you, ARTISTES DE 1r!!!

When Pigasso Met Mootisse

Infant Education and Year 1 and 2: Guji, Guji story

Guji Guji

Year 3 and 4: Listening

Listen to John, Lily and Owen tell us what time they start and finish school !Please add alt text describing picture for screen readers

Year 3 and 4: Matching game

What time is it? Try to match the clocks with the right times

Please add alt text describing picture for screen readers

Year 3 and 4: What's the time?

Listen to the time and move the hands on the clock. What's the time?


Year 3 and 4: The time in different parts of the world

It's five o'clock in the afternoon in London and Ryan is watching the TV. What time is it in other parts of the world? What are other children doing at this moment?
One moment around the world short story

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Year 5 and 6: Past Simple Tense exercises

Past Simple Boy

1st of April: April Fools Day

Hello! The other day, 1st of April, it was April fools day. In Menorca we celebrate April fools day instead of the day of the innocents (a Spanish tradition), because of the strong British influence starting in about 1700 to 1800. Our teacher Antonia pretended that she was going to play football for the Barcelona women’s football team! We all believed her! When we found out that it was a joke, we all burst out laughing. And all the teachers swapped classes too! We were all very confused. But I also played a trick on my friend, while we were reciting our play (we did it barefoot) I stuffed some cotton wool in to his shoe. It was very fun, and I’m already thinking about next year!