jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6. Reading

This web site has many different Fiction and Nonfictions books to read. If you want to know how a word is pronounced, click on it!
Aquesta pàgina web té molt llibres, per saber com es pronuncia una paraula has de fer click damunt.

Back to I'm Reading

Year 2 and 3 (2n i 3r) Learn To Read in English!

En aquesta pàgina hi ha molts contes i exercicis per aprendre a llegir en anglès!

Year 3,4, 5 and 6 (3r, 4t, 5è i 6è) Spelling (aprenem a escriure)

       A great game to learn the sound of the letters and practice writing!!!

Aquest joc us anirà molt bé per repassar els sons de les lletres i també per practicar  l'escriptura de paraules!

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Year 1 and 2: Meal Times

Two weeks ago Sophie came to Tramuntana school to show year 1 and 2 about English food in English.

English breakfast:Egg,Toast,Bacon,Tomato,Baked Beans.

English lunch:Fish and Chips.

English dinner:Roast chiken,Carrots,Patatoes,Turnips,Gravy,Stufing,Brusel sprouts.

And they really liked it and they learnt lots of words.


Year 1: Dana and Clara

 ull ara dana  ent clara. wistadi  food.
(we are Dana and Clara, we study food)

Year 1: Aina and Thai- Fruit Memory game

ui laic dis geim (We like this game)
aina and thai

Year 1 and 2: food

Escolta el nom de l'aliment i ves-los passant, quan el vegis, clica damunt d'ell.

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Year 3 and 4 (3r and 4t) Who is who?

Year 3 and 4 (pels alumnes de 3r i 4t, és un reading)
Here you have some games and activities to practice Physical description!

Year 4 (pels alumnes de 4t, és un reading)

                                                   Year 3 and 4 (listening)

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

Year 3 and 4 Who Lives in the Sea? Dolphins

Some information about dolphins!

Year 3 and 4 (3r and 4t) Sea Animals video

Year 3 and 4 (3r i 4t) Sea animals games

sea shells an octopus

Year 1 and 2 (1r i 2n) What do you have for breakfast?

Boy eating huge pile of pancakes

Year 1 and 2: Food

Watch and listen to What's Your News? How many different fruits do the children talk about? De quantes fruites xerren els fillets/es?
what's your news?

Year 5 and 6: What are you doing? Present Continuous

He is making a cake!
They are dancing

Year 5 and 6 (5è i 6è) Prepositions of place

Two different activities to practice prepositions of place (in, on, under, next to...)

miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

Year 5 and 6:What are you doing?

A video to help you with the Present Continuous!!

Infant Education: Farm Animals

Sant Antoni

Hi!! We are the 3rd and 4th children of Tramuntana.  We are going to explain what Sant Antoni is, Sant Antoni is the Saint of a man called Antoni. On Sant Antoni we go to the square of each town were there are lots of littlefires and one big bonfire with a burning pretend man in it, on the little fires we cook sausages (mmmmmmmm unless you are vegetarian) we celebrate sant antoni because he is the patron of Menorca (he is very important). Sant antoni is a celebration of animals (and of course sausages), people bring their animals to be blessed. In the school we cook sausages and make masks.


3rd and 4th