domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

Year 5 and 6 (5è i 6è) Present Continuous

Present Continuous Guy

Present Continuous

Year 3 and 4 (3r i 4t) Daily routines vocabulary

Days of the week, months, daily rountines, etc.

Year 5 and 6 The weather

Here you have some games to help you revise the weather in English!

The weather

Year 1 and 2: Food!!!

Some interesting games to have a good time!!

FOOD games  

Infant Education Farm Animal Song by Peter Weatherall

Year 1 and 2 (1r i 2n) I will not ever never eat a tomato

On Friday the Year 1 and 2 children have the "Meal Times" activity and we are practising the meal vocabulary. This story will help us a lot!
Divendres els fillets i filletes de 1r i 2n tenen l'activitat "l'hora de menjar" i abans esteim practicant el vocabulari del menjar. Aquest conte ens ajudarà molt!

jueves, 20 de enero de 2011

Imagine- John Lennon(Lyrics)

Year 5 and 6 (5è i 6è) Telling Time

A Power Point Presentation to help you revise the time in English

Year 3 and 4 (3r i 4t) I have a Dream Speech

Hello children!

On Wednesday you were very interested on the topic so I thought you would like watching this video.


Diuen que aquest cap de setmana farà molt fred.... perquè no aprofitau per cuinar en anglès??? Aquí teniu videos amb unes instruccions molt, molt clares de receptes fàcils per fer amb fillets/es! Ja em contareu si ha estat bo!!!

Bon profit!

I can cook
Back to I Can Cook

Infant Education (INFANTIL) Games, songs, stories (CONTES, JOCS, CANÇONS)


A wonderful site to practice and learn English by playing, singing, listening to stories and many other intersting activites! I hope that you enjoy playing!!

Aquest enllaç és d'una pàgina molt interessant amb la qual els vostres fills/es aprendran English d'una manera divertida, mentre canten, juguen, escolten contes, etc. Esper que us agradi a tots i totes!

Infant Education Incy Wincy Spider

We are learning the Incy Wincy Spider in the English lessons!!

martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Year 5 and 6. What time is it?

Let's practice the time with the following game... You have to read the time in words and then stop the hands in the correct position.


viernes, 7 de enero de 2011

Year 5 and 6 Present Simple Sentences (routines)

Happy New Year children! How are you? I'm sure that you are having a great time...but the holidays are finishing and it would be good to start working (revising what we did before Christmas!). So here you have some activities to start with!!

Present Simple Activities


See you on Monday.